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I am a highly innovative, skilled, and passionate space architect and systems engineer working at the intersection of multidisciplinary design, systems engineering, and climate-positive architecture execution. I thrive as founder and technical lead on leading design and implementation efforts that tackle some of the most challenging projects. During this historic times, I know that  merging truly creative thinking, proven multidisciplinary mindsets, new technologies, heritage wisdom and fulfilling workforce engagement is critical to succeed and thrive in what could be an amazing new reality in front of us!

ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Brief Summary (2001-21)

  • PhD in Systems Engineering and Systems Engineering Design (University of Strasbourg, iCUBE, France, 2021). Evolutive Systems Architecture Design, Design, Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptable, Regenerative, and Reactive Complex System Architectures in the Era of Climate Scarcity.

  • Master of Science in Space Studies and Human Spaceflight, MSc. (International Space University, ISU, France, 2011). Mission design & analysis, space life sciences, space robotics, spacecraft systems, space habitats, launchers, and ground segment. Thesis: Robotic self-deployable moon habitat.

  • Architect, MS. Arch + BA. Arch (Equivalent to master in architecture, construction, and structural engineering) (Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPV, Spain, 2008). All specialties & several distinctions: construction, design, Arch. technology, structural analysis, urban planning, intervention, management.



       System Engineer & Architect

  • RMS Atelier. Project co-lead (JPL, 2021). Collaborative and concurrent engineering for operations processes (NASA AMMOS).

  • Europa Lander Technology Program. Landing interface Cog-E (JPL, 2017-21). Mechanical engineering, systems engineering, prototyping, and planning (multiple hardware deliveries).

  • Advanced Strategic Studies. Systems architect (JPL, 2016-21).  Leading senior teams (2-5 people) to create highly detailed and optimized system architectures of rovers, landers, and advanced spacecraft for competition awarded concepts and proposals.

       Project Lead & Project Manager

  • Autodesk-JPL Gamma Lander. Chief architect & hardware delivery manager (JPL, 2012-17).

  • 4D Printing Architectures. Principal investigator (JPL, 2012-2018). Multiple patents.

  • Strategic Technology Infusion Program. Project lead & liaison (JPL, 2012-17).

       Founder & CEO

  • ARQESS. Founder (2020). Climate-positive architecture think-do-tank and platform.

  • JPL Atelier. Co-founder, co-manager, and chief architect (JPL, 2015-19) Leading teams up to 15 senior and junior engineering tackling very complex engineering developments.

  • XAR Sidereal. CEO (2008-11). High-performance sustainable architecture & design studio. 

AWARDS AND PATENTS Summary (2001-21)

  • FERED-RISE PhD Thesis Award. Contribution to global sustainability (France, 2021).

  • NASA AMMOS, JPL Award. For outstanding contribution to the RMS project (CA, 2021).    

  • Core 77 International Design Award. Gamma Lander (Global, 2019).

  • Engineering the Impossible, International Award. JPL-Autodesk generative designed lander (USA, 2018).

  • Amazon MARS 2018. Attendant & presenter, "4D Architectures, doing better with less", (CA, 2018)

  • Google SciFoo Camp. Attendant & presenter, 4D Printing for space applications, (CA, 2018)

  • Multiple NASA & JPL awards (California, Washington DC, 2011-2021).

  • NASA Young Professional Forum (SLAMSSC NESC). Selected Presenter (USA, 2015)

  • AIAA Best paper, Space Logistic. (USA, 2014)

  • NASA AES Awards. Outstanding contribution to the Deep Space Habitat Project (NASA, 2012)

  • 3rd Best paper, AIAA Life’s Sciences and Systems (LSS) student competition (AIAA, ICES, 2012).

  • Multiple NASA JPL awards in the following areas (details are restricted):

    • Discovery Awards, 2020. Key contribution to strategic studies.

    • Voyager Award, May 2016. For engagement with world-class non-aerospace partners.

    • Team Award, Sept 2016. Atelier design of planetary probe in a record time.

    • Team Award, March 2016. Atelier design and analysis of SmallSats.

    • Voyager Award, Feb 2015. Creating meaningful, ongoing relationship with strategic partners.

    • Discovery Award, Aug 2014. Developing innovative collaborative study flow and frameworks.

    • Mariner Award, Sept 2014. Engagement of external technology communities and understanding of key industry leader best practices.

    • Discovery Award, Jul 2014. Outstanding Contribution for pilot studies within TeamXc.

  • 3-D Printed Multifunctional Space Fabric. Patented, US Patent 11077655 B2

  • 4-D printing integrated Architectures. Patent Pending, NASA NTR 50348, CIT 7634-P





  • Keynote Lecture, “Systems Design Engineering, academic inaugural lecture of 2021-2011”, Centrale Supélec, University of Paris Saclay, September 2021.

  • Video documentary, NASA, ‘Hispan@s de la NASA (Hispanics of NASA)’, available online at, 2019.

  • Outreach and conference, Autodesk University, ‘Generative Space Architectures at JPL‘, available online at, Las Vegas, 2018.

  • Science Camp, Google Sci-Foo, attendant and presenter, “4D Multidisciplinary Architectures, doing more with less”, Palo Alto, CA, 2018.

  • Conference and technical retreat, Amazon MARS attendant and presenter, “4D Multidisciplinary Architectures for Space, doing more with less through mass repurposing”, Palm Spring, CA, 2018.

  • Outreach presentation, TEDx Manhattan Beach Speaker, “Impossible Architectures: 4D Spacecraft”, Available online at, California, 2017.

  • Article, TIME Magazine, Zorthian, J., “NASA's New 'Space Fabric'”, available online at, online, USA 2017.

  •  Article, WIRED Magazine, Stinson, E., ‘NASA's Wild Fabric Is Basically Chain Mail from the Future’, Available online at, USA, 2017.

  • Article, NASA-JPL,’ 'Space Fabric' Links Fashion and Engineering’, available online at , USA, April 2017.

  • Interview. CNN Online, ‘Space Fabric‘, CNN-EFE, , USA 2017.

  • Keynote Speaker, Polit-Casillas, R., “Designing for additive manufacturing in the space industry”, Solidthinking Converge Conference, Los Angeles, September 2016.

  • Lecture, Frank O. Ghery, Robert Manning, Raul Polit-Casillas, “The Hidden Dimensions of Architecture and Engineering Design”, JPL, Pasadena July 2016.

  • Keynote Speaker, Polit-Casillas, R., Howe, S., “Virtual Space Construction for Space Habitats and Systems – VSCH-BIM”, Consult Australia Technology Symposium, Sydney, Online Attendance, 2013. 

  • Lecture, Polit-Casillas, R., “Applied Space Architecture: Advance constructive design for habitats in Space and on Earth” seminar at Caltech - Solar Decathlon Project – Caltech and SciArc School of Architecture, Guest lecturer, Pasadena, California, 2012.

  •  Lecture and talk, Polit-Casillas, R, “Applied Space Architecture”, JPL NASA, Caltech, CA, 2012.

  • Lecture and student project review, Polit-Casillas, R., “Implementing Space Habitats” Technical Seminar, Cal Poly Pomona - Dept. of Environmental Design, Space Architecture Studio (M. Fox), Pomona, CA, 2012.

  •  Keynote speaker and presentation, Polit-Casillas, R., ‘Aliter, International Symposiums in Space Architecture: Approaching Space Architecture Otherwise’, Valencia, Spain, 2010.

  • Lecture, Polit-Casillas, R., “Space Architecture: from Dolmens to Space Stations”, conferences at the Ateneo Mercantil, Valencia, 2010.

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©2025 Raul Polit Casillas

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin, 1809

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